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Laurel Cohen

Laurel Cohen

Tanya Curtis has skilled my family and I with the truth of life. She has taken me on a self- exploring journey full of aha moments that have empowered me to continue to work through my past and fulfil a truer universal future. We are the ones responsible for the ripples we make and we cannot control the actions of others. But most of all – we are not our behaviour and we are all ‘beauty-full’. 

Thank you, Tanya, and thanks to all the team that makes up the amazing FABIC.



United Kingdom

Tanya Curtis is one of the most perceptive and clear-thinking professionals in the field of psychological wellbeing. I have observed that her work with children and adults alike is highly effective, as she supports people to develop understanding and awareness of their situations. 

As a public speaker and trainer she is powerful, tender, clear, inspiring and insightful. Tanya Curtis is not about motivating people for a day, she is about supporting us to build a foundation for future personal and professional development, a foundation to live on.

I can recommend Tanya Curtis to anyone, she is a remarkable woman and to work with her is transformational.

Lucy Dahill

Lucy Dahill

Sydney, NSW

I have attended two of Tanya’s Fabic workshops and heard her speak on many occasions. I primarily went for parenting and anxiety workshops and talks. What I got was so much more and not about changing everyone else but firmly back at my feet and looking at my own behaviour. 

She is a presenter who doesn’t leave anyone behind. Her way of leading the participants through the process of understanding how behaviours manifest and how they can be changed is, as a result, really supportive for true change.  What I realised is that I have a tendency to want to 'get it’ and ‘change it' quickly and therefore skim over the foundation level which means I don’t really embrace change that is to do with bringing supportive patterns into my life – only change that distracts me from taking time to see what is blatantly not working! So you see she has been part of the foundational change in a very positive way just by taking time to ensure I really truly and fundamentally understood what she was saying. I would highly recommend Tanya’s workshops to anyone wanting to bring more harmony to their lives. 

Deborah McKay

Deborah McKay

Northern Rivers, NSW

I’ve experienced Tanya both as a client and workshop attendee and found her to be warm and engaging with enormous integrity and with a deep level of consistency. It’s lovely to be around Tanya and to feel how she has a love of everyone and holds each person as an equal. It enables everyone to feel at ease and supported within her presentations to allow them to freely express. Tanya has been a great support for me personally in enabling me to deal with issues with a simplicity that’s very refreshing. She is unwavering in her commitment and ability to bring truth to any situation.  

Anne Scott

Anne Scott

New Zealand

I attended two workshops with Tanya recently, one on Anxiety and one on Depression. What struck me about Tanya’s presentations was her relaxed and friendly style, and also how she handled participants’ questions. She really listened and hence understood where they were coming from, and so her answers were spot-on.

Kylie Clara

Kylie Clara

Northern Rivers, NSW

Tanya Curtis is truly one of the most understanding, real, down to earth, committed, professional, loyal … and, hilarious people I know.

I have known Tanya Curtis for around 5 years now, firstly as a friend and more recently we have come to co-work on projects together supporting understanding of self-harm and eating disorders. Tanya never fails to amaze me with her deep, genuine love and care for people, that extends above and beyond what we call ‘normal’ in society today, especially from a professional who works such long hours with people (non-stop). Tanya never closes off this level of love, care and understanding – she brings it with her everywhere she goes and continues to bring it to herself, and those around her at all times.

Tanya is an inspiration on so many levels. I love her unwavering commitment to people; her honesty and her ability to laugh, be silly and keep life light. She lives love and truth – she is the real deal, and I LOVE having her in my life.

Roberta Himing

Roberta Himing

Gold Coast, QLD

The first time I met Tanya Curtis was in her place of business at FABIC a couple of years ago where I was struck by the feeling of love and integrity that I felt there. I quietly took in the depth of her work, bringing a loving inner knowing to those children/families that presented with behavioural issues. There was something about Tanya that I was so touched by. Was it her warmth, her sincerity, her ethics or was it just an awareness of her deep love for humanity?

I learned a little more of Tanya's naturalness and great generosity as I came to know her valued staff following the opportunity to occasionally utilise some workspace at Fabic. I have also had the joy of attending a number of Fabic workshops, where Tanya presents professionally and with a depth of wisdom to the wider community on many matters very close to the hearts of all, e.g. anxiety, psychology, behaviours, beliefs etc.

I know in my heart that Tanya Curtis has much to offer humanity in her true and loving way.

Esther Auf der Maur

Esther Auf der Maur

Gold Coast, QLD

Tanya is a most outstanding woman, Mental Health Professional and friend. I have known her for a few years and I have become a huge fan of her as the brilliant Course/Workshop Presenter on many relevant topics that she is.  Over the past few years I have attended workshops on Anxiety ... Does it affect us all?Perfectionism ... Is it holding us back? and Understanding Behaviour and Changing Behaviour. 

The way Tanya presents her understanding of humanity’s big issues is exemplary and very clear. I have always felt very much empowered by the simplicity and clarity of what she shares. I always leave her workshops more empowered and with easy to use tools of how to address that issue from here on.

From these workshops, one sentence that has been so helpful with dealing with any sort of interpersonal issue is: “We are not our behaviours.” That is a huge message from Tanya. This understanding alone gives us a great freedom to be open to honestly discuss our unhelpful behaviours, as well as others, without judgement but with love and understanding instead.

So much of what Tanya Curtis presents should actually be taught at every primary school in the world I feel. The topics Tanya presents on are so profound that everybody would benefit greatly. Teaching what Tanya presents at schools would give us an amazing foundation as a society and a humanity; how to be more loving with ourselves and with each other, and how to bring true understanding and growth to our lives.

I have a deep love and respect for Tanya and all that she brings. She is an amazingly capable woman with a true love for everybody she meets. Knowing Tanya has enriched my life hugely. I trust her deeply and support her fully in all her ventures and I look forward to seeing her unfold, as I feel she has only just begun.

Susan Scully

Susan Scully

Financial Advisor

Wow ... where does one begin sharing about Tanya Curtis?

In knowing Tanya personally and professionally, having also attended various Fabic workshops and presentations, I can assure you that what Tanya Curtis presents and lives is more than just behaviour change – It is LIFE CHANGING. It makes one want to get off the couch or sidelines and make the steps to change, as what Tanya delivers makes the seemingly complicated SIMPLE and easy to relate to.

From her extensive experience as a Behavioural Specialist and in life, Tanya does not muck around in addressing what it is that bothers, stresses or ails us. Tanya takes the seeming mountain of complication that we can be faced with – whether it be emotional issues, everyday dramas or the general stresses of life that people tend to shoulder – and supports us to break this down in a simple, understandable and personable way. This creates the space to begin to understand ourselves more and what is really at play. It is an opportunity to explore us being the creators of our own woes, worries and dramas with no blame or judgement, rather a realisation and the potential to start making different choices for different life experiences – not only with ourselves but in all our relationships with family, friends, colleagues, and our communities at large.

Tanya is an advocate of self-responsibility rather than the blame game we can tend to play. It is always important to look at our part in whatever is going on for us. Yes, the word ‘Responsibility’ can conjure up something scary, daunting, even chore-like or rule orientated. But I can assure you, it is actually quite the opposite in that it is super supportive, an opportunity to take a breath and make different choices, with plenty of interesting and laugh-at-yourself moments along the way. Today I feel an inner-contentment and calmness that supports me to be more understanding and appreciative of myself, of life and people and enjoy having far more fun even in the ‘interesting’ moments.

And I am not the only one! At Fabic courses I observe and see the changes in people from when they walk into the workshop to when they are leaving and liken it to a complete BODY makeover. You can see colour, light return to faces and a joyful skip in their step having let go of burdens or worries.

Thank you immensely and dearly Tanya Curtis and the FABIC team. Your absolute commitment and dedication to the deep care and support of people is so needed by everyone, deeply appreciated and inspirational.

Kathryn Maroney

Kathryn Maroney

Speech Pathologist

Tanya Curtis is one of the most amazing people I know. 

Tanya has created a very practical methodology that people can apply within their lives to understand and change their unwanted behaviours in order to live their full potential. In Fabic, she has founded a clinic dedicated to sharing this treasure with the world – but even more amazing still is the fact that Tanya lives what she teaches:

Tanya teaches that in order to understand behaviour, you need to have honesty without judgment, and serves as a living example of this. She will leave no stone unturned in getting to the bottom of what drives even the smallest of unwanted behaviours in herself but always with a self-acceptance, understanding and care. This understanding without judgment Tanya applies equally to all who she supports. It is not often that people truly offer support without judgment or imposition – what Tanya brings here is truly amazing. 

Tanya teaches that before we can offer true support to another, we need to care for ourselves. Tanya brings absolute dedication to her sleep, the way she eats, the quality she brings to all she does and honouring what’s true for her and her body in each moment. Because of this, Tanya’s capacity to work, get things done and bring all of herself to every task and every client session is amazingly consistent. Through this dedication to herself, Tanya can work every day for weeks without a break, see clients from 6.30am – 8.30pm and be just as good at 8.30pm as she was at 6.30am and still deal with the myriad of other things that come her way each day. At these times she rarely experiences stress or overwhelm and if she does, she deals with it quickly and effectively.

Tanya teaches that making mistakes equals learning new skills and if you make a mistake you just say ‘whoops’ and move on. Tanya graces all who know her with this understanding. As an employee of Tanya’s, I have made many, many mistakes, all of which Tan has embraced as an opportunity to learn. I’ve never been expected to be perfect.

Tanya teaches that we are all amazing just for being us. Tanya sees everyone for their amazingness, not for the behaviours they choose. In a world where people are defined by their behaviour, that is truly amazing. 

Tanya lives for the purpose of serving humanity and helping people to reach their full potential. She is a truly amazing woman and I am so privileged to know her.

Joshua Campbell

Joshua Campbell

Software Developer & Consultant

Tanya is a woman who lives and breathes what love truly is. She is fun, down to earth and extremely practical in how she sees the world and offers support to others in it. It is amazing to see how such understanding of others can have such a powerful impact on them.

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