Tanya founded Fabic Publishing in 2018 when she recognised the need for an enterprise dedicated to the publication and distribution of products that bring about lasting behaviour change and assist and support all to live and reach their true and full potential in life.
All material published is authored by Tanya Curtis or in combination with a dedicated team who are equally as committed to bringing the depth of understanding to human behaviour that truly supports lasting behaviour change.
When it comes to behaviour change, Fabic Publishing is committed to offering what is needed to support humanity to develop the foundations for understanding their own and/or other people’s behaviour and support well beyond and above any short-term fixes and solutions.
Fabic Publishing brings a series of publications that support those who are ready to:
Build a foundation that supports them to feel safe to be themselves in the world and facilitates an environment for exploring lasting behaviour change
Develop an understanding of behaviour/s used by self and any other person
Develop skills to support bringing about lasting behaviour change for self and others
In consideration of these foundations, Fabic Publishing brings to you:
Resources to support the integration of behaviour change techniques into people’s natural environment, be that at home or school, in the workplace or the community at large

Fabic Publishing is dedicated to support those who may otherwise not have access to high-quality publications. Tanya Curtis developed a program called ‘giving back to our community’ and over the last few years, people have offered contributions to support close to 10,000 books that were sent to Papua New Guinea as well as books being donated to local groups on the Gold Coast, Australia.