FABIC has massively expanded and grown into a multi-disciplinary centre, offering a wide range of services including Psychology, Behaviour Specialist Services, Counselling, Speech Pathology and Occupational Therapy.
FABIC also holds workshops and seminars nationally and internationally, offers staff mentoring and training services and provides an ever-expanding supportive product range based on the unique FABIC principles as developed by Tanya Curtis.
Tanya started Impulse to Action Consulting — a service dedicated to support businesses, organisations and individuals to 'get on with it' and bring their ideas to fruition.
Tanya started Fabic Publishing — dedicated to publishing books that honour the beautiful, amazing, lovable being and the awesome essence we all naturally are.
Tanya Curtis began Fabic Behaviour Specialist Centre when she saw the need for services that offer a deeper level of understanding as well as practical tools to support people who are finding it difficult to navigate day-to-day life.

In 2014 Tanya was awarded the Business Achiever Award at the Gold Coast Women in Business Awards. Tanya was also a finalist in the Woman in Business of the Year category for the second year running.
And this is how Tanya thanked her support team on acceptance of the award:
"I must also acknowledge that this award is a celebration of the dedication of many and not just me. Fabic has an amazing team of staff, contractors and supporters who have all committed to making our business about people first. We have had our ups and downs along the way (and no doubt there will be more), but with the love and dedication that we have for people, it has been a process that has been well worth every second. So, thank you to the Fabic team both past and present, and a special thank you to Susan Scully, Rebecca Baldwin, Jonny Baldwin, Natalie Benhayon, Clayton Lloyd, Desiree Delaloye, Deborah Benhayon, Ilia Chidzey and many, many more who have offered their unconditional support to help Fabic offer the services that we are able to offer today ... Also, thank you to Karen Phillips who has dedicated her time to arranging the Women in Business Awards in honour of celebrating women in business. Karen, your dedication to this project is greatly appreciated by many!
With love and appreciation of you all, Tanya."